Serve Our Church

There are so many ways to serve God and the people of FaithWestwood with your time and talent! Everyone has a valuable gift to offer their faith community, and we can't wait for you to jump into the uplifting life of our church.

  • Family Ministry // Children and Students

    FaithWestwood is generational -- we're committed to providing our young people with opportunities to know God, grow in their faith, and share all the Spirit-led enthusiasm that flows from their hearts.

    Be a Part of This Ministry

    Contact Director of Family Ministry Leah Dinoso at 402-895-3394 ext. 1002 or at

  • Guest Connections

    .FaithWestwood is a relational church and our team of greeters, ushers, and servers are here to make sure that everyone who worships with us feels welcome and appreciated -- whether it's their first time or their five hundredth time through our doors.

    And that goes for online worship too! Our online hosts welcome, chat with, and offer guidance to our online worshipers just like they would in person. 

    Be a Part of This Ministry

    Email us at or call 402-895-3394

  • Events & Special Projects

    All year long, our ministries create opportunities for fellowship, spiritual growth, and fun for our congregation and the community around us -- and it takes a lot of hands and feet to make these events happen! Whether you like to lead or maybe serve behind the scenes, each of these special events has lots of ways for you to participate and meet new people along the way. 

    Be sure to watch for serving opportunities and sign-ups in worship, in our Monday FaithConnect email, and on our Happenings page on our website.

  • Caring ministries

    Our Caring Ministries offer many opportunities to use your time and talent for the good of others in our church and in the community too!

    Ministries to consider:

    Be a Part of This Ministry
    For information about any of these serving opportunities, watch for announcements in our FaithConnect Monday email newsletter or on our Happenings page

    Contact: Director of Caring Ministries Vikki O'Hara at 402-650-9489 or by email at
  • There's a LOT that goes into putting together a meaningful and enjoyable service that shares the love of God with everyone who worships with us. Musicians, vocalists, choirs, technical crew, worship hosts, and scripture readers -- they're all indispensable pieces of a beautiful worship experience.

    Be a Part of This Ministry

    If you're drawn to serve in this part of FaithWestwood, contact Pastor Cindi Stewart at or Interim Music & Worship Director Shane Goughnour at

    More about opportunities to serve in worship.

  • Our Creation Care team works behind the scenes with the goal to make FaithWestwood a Zero Waste building -- and everyone who visits FaithWestwood has a chance to participate in this effort!

    Be a Part of This Ministry

    For more information about the Creation Care team and what they do, email us at or call 402-895-3394.

  • Gardening Angels

    The Gardening Angels love to see people experience God's love and healing presence among his beautiful plants and flowers. 

    No need to be an experienced gardener -- we'll teach you what you need to know. The work is seasonal, and the time commitment is up to you. 

    Be a Part of This Ministry

    For information, contact Director of Caring Ministries Vikki O'Hara at