Welcome to FW Children's Ministry

If you're new to FaithWestwood, and would like your child to attend Sunday School or the Nursery:

  • Beginning Sunday, May 26, FaithWestwood will celebrate Connecting Hearts Summer! There will be no Sunday School* during this time, but we WILL worship together as a whole faith family in generational, relational, practical worship, much like the first followers of Jesus did! Throughout the next two worship series this summer, we'll take opportunities to worship all together and learn from one another through connecting elements in worship. *There will be nursery available for infants through age 3.
  • Children // 3 years – 5th GradeWhen Sunday School resumes in September, stop by the Family Ministry table in the foyer to get signed up for Sunday School. Then, go ahead and sit as a family in the worship center. Early in the service, after Children's Time, all kids will be invited to exit the worship center and follow their teachers upstairs for their own special 3D Children's Ministry time. You will pick your kids up from their classrooms upstairs after service. 
  • Nursery // under 3 years -- When you arrive, stop by the 3D Kids booth in the foyer to get signed up for the nursery. From there, you'll take your child to the nursery, located on the second floor.