Serve Our Neighbor

The people of FaithWestwood are passionate about reaching out in service and love to their neighborhood and community. 

  • Every month, our FaithWorks Pantry provides close to 100 families a place to find prayer, encouragement, and a few groceries to help bridge the gap before the end of the month.

    For details about the pantry, please visit our FaithWorks Pantry page.

    Be a Part of This Ministry

    Contact us at or sign up for any day the Pantry is open at

    FaithWorks Pantry is an equal opportunity establishment.

    USDA Non-Descrimination Statement

  • FaithWorks Pantry Garden

    Each growing season, FaithWestwood volunteers grow a garden filled with fresh fruits and vegetables to share with the patrons that visit FaithWorks Pantry.

    Be a Part of This Ministry

    Contact us at

  • Missions

    FaithWestwood's Missions Team offers support to businesses, schools, and neighbors in our local area. Our partners include:

    • Oaks Park, across from FaithWestwood
    • Central Middle School - our neighbors to the west
    • Outside the Walls (see below)
    • Iglesia Comunitaria (see below)
    • The Furniture Project
    • Operation Gratitude
    • BLESS Friends Project
    • Together
    • Chariots 4 Hope
    Be a Part of This Ministry
    For information, contact Director of Caring Ministries Vikki O'Hara at
  • Outside the Walls is a special event each year when FaithWestwood steps out of our usual worship services to focus on projects that assist those in need in the community surrounding Faith Westwood.

    To find out more about Outside the Walls and see photos from our great day, visit

    Be a Part of This Ministry

    For information about Outside the Walls, contact us at

  • Student Mission Trips & Retreats

    Whether in our city or another state we provide opportunities for teams of both students to use their time and talents to help others in our neighborhood, our surrounding community, and across the country.

    Be a Part of This Ministry

    For student mission trip information, email Director of Family Ministry Leah Dinoso at

  • United Women in Faith

    The United Women in Faith meet monthly at FaithWestwood for programs in large and small group meetings to encourage mission education, spiritual growth, and social activity -- with a focus on the needs of women and children locally and worldwide.

    The FaithWestwood UWF meet on the first Wednesday of every month at 9:00 a.m. (except the summer months) in fellowship hall. They share a light breakfast and enjoy a speaker and fellowship together at each meeting.

    Be a Part of This Ministry

    For information, contact Director of Caring Ministries Vikki O'Hara at

  • UMCOR Disaster Relief

    The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) responds to disasters in the US and globally when a disaster overwhelms a community's ability to recover on its own by providing supplies and supporting long-term rebuilding efforts. "Early in and last out" is one of UMCOR's guiding principles. 

    Be a Part of This Ministry

    For information, contact Vikki O'Hara, Director of Caring Ministries at

  • Iglesia Comunitaria

    FaithWestwood is honored to partner with Pastor Juan Carlos Veloso and Iglesia Comunitaria, a United Methodist congregation meeting in Omaha. Teams from FaithWestwood frequently meet with Iglesia Comunitaria to support various projects.

    Be a Part of This Ministry

    For information, contact Director of Caring Ministries Vikki O'Hara at