Worship is an invitation from God himself to enter into a relationship that speaks to every area of our lives. Through spoken scripture, music, and the technical aspects that go into creating an engaging and spirit-led worship service.
Worship + Praise
Vocalists & Praise Band
Every Sunday, we joyfully serve the Lord and our church family through a variety of inspiring music -- featuring vocalists, piano, and organ at our 9:00 a.m. traditional service and vocalists and praise band at 10:45.
For information about this team, contact Director of Music & Worship Shane Goughnour at shane.goughnour@faithwestwood.com
Worship Hosting & Scripture reading
At each worship service, a worship host makes sure everyone in worship with us feels welcome and connected at FaithWestwood. And we share the Word of God, spoken in faith and love by someone from our own faith family.
For information about this opportunity, contact Director of Music & Worship Shane Goughnour at shane.goughnour@faithwestwood.com
The Tech Team
With online worship now such a large and vital part of our Sunday worship experience, there is now even more opportunity for the tech-savvy among us to serve God and their community with their talent and expertise.
For information about this opportunity, Director of Music & Worship Shane Goughnour at shane.goughnour@faithwestwood.com
Chancel Choir
Our Chancel Choir is made up of singers from high school and up. This choir wears traditional robes and sings at the 9 am service some Sundays a month.
For information, contact director Jill Anderson at info@faithwestwood.com.
Hand Bell Choir
The Hand Bell Choir uses bells to create beautiful, inspiring music one Sunday a month at the 9 am service.
For information, contact director Gene Torrens at info@faithwestwood.com.