What To Expect

At FaithWestwood, you can expect:
  • A warm welcome at the door  -- it's our thing.
  • Engagement online too -- our online hosts are there to greet you and answer your questions.
  • A casual, relaxed atmosphere -- ties or t-shirts -- whatever you're comfortable in, we are too.
  • A lot of friendship -- At FaithWestwood, we love to be together, and we love extending that same warmth to our visitors. 
  • A little refreshment -- be sure to grab a cup of coffee and a treat in fellowship hall

Hearing Loop

A hearing loop allows worshipers with hearing aids or cochlear implants to receive sounds from the PA system directly in their hearing aids. If your hearing device is equipped with a T-coil or Telecoil, you can access our hearing loop during worship. Talk to your audiologist if you have questions about this technology and your hearing device.

  • When you Arrive


    • You can enter our parking lot from either Oaks Lane to the east of the church or from Old L Street to the north.
    Where to Come In
    • Our main entrance faces east toward Oaks Lane -- it leads directly to our foyer, fellowship hall, and worship center
    • Our west entrance faces west toward Central Middle School -- once inside the double doors, turn left to head toward our balcony seating in the worship center. Or you can head downstairs to our foyer, fellowship hall, and lower level of our worship center.
  • We love Kids

    Kids of all ages are welcome to worship with us! Early in the service, we have a dedicated Children's Time when kids enjoy a short message designed especially for them.

    Visit our Got Kids? page for more information.

  • In worship

    As you enter the worship center, an usher will greet you and, if you want, help you find a seat. We don't hand out a paper program, but you can find information about the order of service, current happenings, submitting a prayer request, and giving opportunities on our SundayLinks page

    Our services usually around an hour long.

  • Music

    The 9 am service is relaxed, traditional worship with hymns, an organ, piano, and both vocal and bell choirs. The 10:45 am service is casual and contemporary with a band leading the music. 

  • Message

    The Bible-based message is 30 minutes or less. If you would like a bible of your own to take home, please take one as our gift to you from the Connection Center located in the foyer. You can watch past messages on our website, or listen to our weekly podcast too.

  • Communion

    We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of every month. We come forward to the altar to receive Communion, and all who put their faith in Jesus are welcome -- whether you're a partner in our church or any other church. If you would like to participate, the ushers will guide you.

  • Giving

    As our guest, we do not expect you to give anything at our offering time -- your presence is your gift to us. 

    For those who call FaithWestwood home, we take two collections -- one for our general Ministry Fund and another for our weekly Mission Focus. Both collections go in the same bucket at offering time.

  • After the service...

    ...be sure to greet Reverend Cindi Stewart or one of the other team. Or visit the Connection Center, chat with a member of our Guest Connections team, or stop by the Welcome Center by the east entrance for more information.