Creation Care @ FaithWestwood

All creation is the Lord’s, and we are responsible for the ways in which we use and abuse it.

   -- The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church - 2016

Our Goal: Zero Waste

Our Creation Care team works behind the scenes with the goal to make FaithWestwood a Zero Waste building -- and everyone who visits FaithWestwood has a chance to participate in this effort!

What's Zero Waste?

Zero Waste means we divert at least 80% of our building's waste from the landfill by reducing, reusing, recycling, or composting.

For more information about the Creation Care Team and what they do, contact us at

Separation is the Key to Success

Our church was awarded a grant from the Nebraska Recycling Council to purchase recycling stations for our church building. These multi-bin stations display graphics that show exactly what type of recyclable item goes into each bin. Then, when our recycling partner, Hillside Solutions, comes to pick up the items, they'll already be pre-sorted, clean, and ready to recycle or compost in an efficient and cost-effective way.   

And it's working! 

Already, working together to separate our recyclables has drastically reduced the amount of refuse our church is sending to the landfill!