Meet our staff Our staff is here to serve you. Click a photo to learn more. PASTOR CINDI STEWARTLead PastorEMAIL PASTOR CINDI Brenda BowersExecutive Assistant to the PastorEmail Brenda DAN BOTENDIRECTOR OF BUSINESS ADMINSTRATIONEMAIL DAN Delores SilvaBuilding Support Gama SilvaBuilding Support Jenny Beukenhorstdirector of communicationsEmail Jenny Rich AndersonDirector of Financial + Information ManagementEmail Rich KAMI SCHMITZDirector of Love & Learn Christian Childcare & PreschoolEMAIL KAMI Leah DinosoDirector of Family MinistryEmail Leah SHANE GOUGHNOURDirector of music & worshipEMAIL SHANE Vikki o'haradirector of caring ministriesEmail Vikki