Rich Anderson

Director of Financial + Information Management

My Role at FaithWestwood

I coordinate contributions, prepare accounting reports, send out payments and payroll, update attendance records, and process member updates. I also send the monthly giving statements, so I am the one to contact with questions.


My Background in Faith

I grew up in a rural Evangelical Covenant Church and attended church and Sunday School regularly. After high school, I like many was not very faithful in attendance.

After marrying Jan, we eventually ended up at FaithWestwood in 1971. Jan was a Methodist, and we were invited by one of her high school friends.


Why I Love Our Church

I have made many friends at FaithWestwood and have been active in the financial aspect of the church and the music program for many, many years. Without the church there would be a large void in my life. While everything isn’t always roses in life, I’ve learned to roll with the punches. 


A Bit About Me

My wife, Jan, and I were married in 1968 and have always lived in Omaha -- except for the fourteen months that I spent training for military service and serving in Vietnam. We have two children and two grandchildren. Our granddaughter was married in 2018. We both sing in the chancel choir which is directed by our daughter, Jill. I have been treasurer for many years and find the job fulfilling.

402-895-3394 x 1004