Orders of Worship

Sunday, December 22

Fourth Sunday of Advent

in person & online

9 & 10:45 am

Online Worship Links: 

faithwestwood.com/live, faithwestwood.com/youtube, or Facebook

Links & Resources

Connection card -- let us know you're here!

prayers@faithwestwood.com -- prayer requests

faithwestwood.com/happenings -- upcoming events & opportunities

faithwestwood.com/SundayLinks -- website page with all sign-up and information links you might see today

faithwestwood.com/about-us/give -- worship through giving

Our Mission Offering Focus for December 22 is: Greater Love - Pantry

If you would like to give online to this mission (or any mission): faithwestwood.com/about-us/give

If you would like to give by text: 

  • Text (833) 657 - 4016
  • Type $ and any dollar amount then the giving code (i.e. $20.00 pantry)
  • Follow the prompts to set up your account, if needed.
  • Save as a contact for future giving.

Sunday, December 22

9 am

Changes made to the program after Friday morning may not be reflected here.

Carol Sing // 8:45 am, worship center

Prelude // Scott McPherson, trombone

Call to Worship // Dustin Smith

  • Lighting of Advent Wreath

Song // Waiting, Waiting - verse 1

Hymn // #220, Angels From the Realm of Glory - Bruce Bowers

Welcome // Dustin Smith


Offering Songs // Chancel Choir - Jill Anderson, director

Blessing of Offering // #95, Doxology, prayer - Reverend Cindi Stewart

Children's Time // Director of Family Ministry Leah Dinoso

Scripture // Luke 1:57-66 (& 67-80) - Elaine Johnson

Message // Prepare the Way: Love - Reverend Cindi Stewart

Pastoral Prayer, Lord's Prayer

Hymn // #240, Hark, the Herald Angels Sing - Bruce Bowers

Benediction // Reverend Cindi Stewart

Closing Hymn // #666, Shalom to You - Bruce Bowers

Sunday, December 22

10:45 am

Changes made to the program after Friday morning may not be reflected here.

Music // Prepare the Way - Contemporary Choir

Call to Worship // Dustin Smith

  • Lighting of Advent Wreath

Song // Waiting, Waiting - verse 1

Welcome // Dustin Smith


Offering Song // Little Drummer Boy - Contemporary Choir

Music // Angels We Have Heard on High (Deo) - Contemporary Choir

Music // He Shall Reign Forevermore - Contemporary Choir

Music // Come Thou Long Expected Jesus - Itzy Silva, Shane Goughnour + Contemporary Choir

Children's Time // Director of Family Ministry Leah Dinoso

Scripture // Luke 1:57-66 (& 67-80) - Laura Blumenthal

Message // Prepare the Way: Love - Reverend Cindi Stewart

Pastoral Prayer, Lord's Prayer

Music // Unto Us - Itzy Silva, Liz Polivka, Madison Barben + worship band

Benediction // Reverend Cindi Stewart

Tuesday, December 24

3 pm - family-focused

Changes made to the program after Monday morning may not be reflected here.

Coming Soon

Tuesday, December 24

5 pm - traditional

Changes made to the program after Monday morning may not be reflected here.

Coming Soon

Tuesday, December 24

7 pm - traditional

Changes made to the program after Monday morning may not be reflected here.

Coming Soon