Sundays, July 7 - August 18

First Saturdays, July 6 & August 3

Series Overview / The “I Am” Series will feature two concurrent sermon series in July & August. At First Saturday worship, 5:30 pm & Sunday worship 9 am, we'll explore the “neglected voices” of lesser-known Bible characters and their stories. At Sunday worship 10:45 am, we'll explore the “I AM” statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John with a the family-friendly and generational focus. 

Sunday worship is in person & online. 

First Saturday worship is in person only.

Note: There is no study guide for FaithGroups and individuals for this series.

First Saturday, July 6 - 5:30 pm &

Sunday, July 7 - 9 am

Beginnings: I Am Rahab

Joshua 2:1-14

Before God’s people enter the Promised Land, Rahab helps the spies sent by Joshua and asks for kindness in return. Rahab believed that God’s hand was at work, and so she becomes a part of God’s amazing story. What risks might we take to experience new beginnings in the name of God? 

Sunday, July 7 - 10:45 am

I AM…The Bread of Life

John 6:25-35

The multitudes looked for Jesus after they were fed bread and fish, yet Jesus invites them to work for the food that endures to eternal life. They want this bread! How can we believe in Jesus who is the Bread of Life?

Sunday, July 14 - 9 am

Renunciation: I Am Haman

Esther 3:1-13

In Esther, we experience hatred, prejudice, and even religious persecution. Haman’s plans to destroy the Jews are thwarted by Queen Esther. How do we continue to “renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness” in this world? 

Sunday, July 14 - 10:45 am

I AM…The Light of the World

John 8:12-20

Jesus boldly proclaims that he is the Light of the World in contrast to religious leaders who would challenge him. How can we follow Christ today so that we never walk in darkness and claim the light of life?

Sunday, July 21 - 9 am

Trust…I Am Hannah

1 Samuel 1:9-20

During her time of worship, Hannah wept and prayed for the LORD to bless her with a child. Her encounter with Eli the Priest allows her to name her pain and hopes. How do we trust in God with all of our hopes and fears?

Sunday, July 21 - 10:45 am

I AM…The Gate

John 10:1-10

As Jesus speaks to the Pharisees, he describes how the one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep! This figure of speech escaped the religious leaders, yet Jesus’ proclamation of being the Gate for the sheep is a powerful one. How might we claim this gate and the abundant (full) life that Jesus offers? 

Sunday, July 28 - 9 am

Courage…I Am Nathan

2 Samuel 12:1-14

King David sinned, and the LORD sent Nathan to speak the truth in love to David. As he utilizes a parable to tell this story, David is convicted of the truth, confesses, and repents. How can we claim courage to speak the truth in love to those that we love as well as to repent of our sin?

Sunday, July 28 - 10:45 am

I AM…The Good Shepherd

John 10:11-18

Jesus declares that the Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep who know him. Hired hands run away in times of danger and don’t care for the sheep like the shepherd. Today, how can we, like sheep, listen to the Shepherd’s voice and claim Jesus as the Good Shepherd? 

First Saturday, August 3 - 5:30 pm &

Sunday, August 4 - 9 am

Servanthood…I Am Baruch & I Am Phoebe

Jeremiah 36:1-9 & Romans 16:1-2

In the Old Testament, Baruch served in a very important role as Jeremiah’s scribe. In the New Testament, Phoebe is lifted up as a deacon, benefactor, and servant of the church. How might these witnesses inspire our servanthood? 

Sunday, August 4 - 10:45 am

I AM…The Resurrection & the Life

John 11:25-44

Lazarus’ death deeply grieves his sisters, Mary and Martha, and even Jesus. When confronted, Jesus declares that he is the resurrection and the life and later raises Lazarus from the dead. How might we claim this resurrection spirit and be raised to new life?

Sunday, August 11 - 9 am

Promises, Part I...I Am Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego

Daniel 3:1-18

Daniel’s friends would not worship the gods of the Babylonian King, and so they were thrown into the fiery furnace. How do we believe in God’s promises to walk with us through the fires in life?

Sunday, August 11 - 10:45 am

I AM…The Way, Truth & Life

John 14:1-7

When the disciples were anxious and fearful about his departure from them, Jesus tries to give them encouragement, reminding them that he is the Way, Truth, and Life. How might we follow Jesus to the cross and beyond?

Sunday, August 18 - 9 am

Promises, Part II...I Am the Unnamed Faithful

Hebrews 11:32-40

The author of Hebrews recounts the names of those who were commended for their faith yet did not receive what had been promised. Wait, what?! How can we live into the promises of “something better” that God has planned?

Sunday, August 18 - 10:45 am

I AM…The True Vine

John 15:1-9

As Jesus proclaims that he is the True Vine, he reminds his followers about being pruned to bear more fruit. If Jesus is the vine, and his followers are the branches, then they must remain in him and in his love. How can we, as Jesus’ disciples, bear much fruit to the glory of God?

Sunday, August 25 - 9 & 10:45 am

Church & Brunch All at Once

This year, we'll celebrate Church & Brunch at both services! 

Details to come.